Monday, September 24, 2007

To whom it may concern...I Hate You!!

I had actually forgotten about this song, thankfully. Well then some smacktard on the radio requested it today and brought it searing back into my head. So, to the fan of Lou Bega's "Mambo No.5," I hate you! You, sir, are an asshole.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

OMG WTF Part 2

I couldn't bare even watching the original video so I found this one instead.

Like I said in response to the "Crazytown" post, I think these bands like the above are offspring from other crappy bands. They somehow mated and their offspring are polluting the American music industry.

I mean if your gonna re-do the "Hey Mickey" song, at least put some references in there to show that you do have some class.

Enjoy the sadness/madness! ! !

Monday, September 17, 2007

You mean it's not Limp Bizkit???

I will start off by saying that I actually liked the first two Limp Bizkit albums. They were a lot of fun to listen too. But by the third, it sounded less like Limp Bizkit and more like the Fred Durst, I really like myself, Band. So when this song came out and sounded exactly like a bad Limp Bizkit song, I couldn't believe it. This band came out and straight stole the guitar style from Wes Borland of Limp. Which at that point in his Limp career, he probably could've cared less and was just making shit up anyways. Enter Crazytown. Which is a stupid name, by the way. Anyways, they must have heard the latest Limp Bizkit song and realized that the quickest way to fame was to steal another band's music and make a lame ass song out of it. Let's recap, Limp Bizkit starting into there sucky phase. Crazytown (stupid name) trying to find fame by stealing guitar riffs from said sucky phase and being different by making a cool rap-rock song that was a trend already on it's way out to the trend graveyard. Put all that together in a pot and mix, and you get a huge mass of musical shit. This is getting long enough, so I won't even begin making fun of the way these tools look. "Oh, we're so different by looking like 90% of all the other edgy rockers of today!" Fuck them! Crazytown sucks! Here's their shit...

I found this afterwards and thought it was pretty funny. I found it here

Do you know why Crazy Town was booed at the OZZfest? because I think the Gift of Game is really good. Why do people not like them?

Well personally I think they're pretty crap, but so are lots of the Ozzfest bands. Real hard rock doesn't need to try and fake a 'tough' attitude like the kind of bands that play there.

In answer to your question of why they were booed, Wikipedia has this to say: "[Butterfly] also cost the band credibility among hard rock fans because of the single's sugary sound and heavy airplay on mainstream radio. The fans' backlash against Crazy Town was evident during Ozzfest when they were booed and pelted with urine-filled bottles during their performance. [citation needed] This was all a result of Billy Calanca a band member who actually liked being drenched in urine."


Monday, September 10, 2007

The Brown Note is real! I have proof!

What the hell is with Shakira? I don't speak spanish, so I don't know if she sounds any better on her spanish albums. But when she sings in english it hurts me. There are literal pains that goes across my body when I hear her voice. But this song in particular, actually creates the mythical Brown Note. (click link for definition, if you don't already know.) I'm not sure about the rest of you, but yodelling sucks, and has only been popular in the Alps. So why is it a columbian chick can yodel, and it's cool? So grab a diaper, listen to this, and have fun!

Pretty Shitty for a White Guy!!!

I can't even begin to discuss how stupid this song is. This another one of those songs that I can't figure out why the hell people like, let alone make it as popular as it once got. Good news is, this album seems to have killed the career of the Offspring. Having an album come out in 2003 that apparently bombed, hopefully we will never hear them again.

Monday, September 3, 2007

WTF is... ahh hell, I don't want to know!

And the theme was to get wasted "pissing the night away". All the Americans thought it was "pissing" because you were drinking so much liquids. (Idiots)

I however was schooled by the plethera of EuorTrash around me while being stationed in Italy. This song was the damn "let's get drunk" theme for every Thurs/Fri/Sat night! ! ! ! Until it got old.... after the first weekend. In all the listening and drinking and being young and stupid, we still couldn't figure out exactly WHAT THE FUCK TUBTHUMPING was.

To this day I still don't know and don't really care to.


Probably my most hated song ever...

The 90's gave us to things in music that made no sense. One was strange techno pop music and the other was Garth Brooks and country pop. Neither of which made any bloody sense at all. Well then this song came along and combined the nonsense. I give you Cotton Eye Joe, by the Rednex. If the name wasn't stupid enough. It would imply that they would be from a southern state here in the US. But we would be wrong. They were from Sweden. Wha?? Seriously? Sweden? Rednex?? Whatever. Watch this crap!